Our Story

Proximity 2 Humanity was born in 2024 out of our love for community, our preference for local initiatives, and our strong desire to work with purpose. P2H is the realization of a 20-year dream to create a purpose-driven, community-oriented non-profit that supports community-led solutions to community-identified problems.

We are a network of humanitarians who have had a front-row seat to some of the worst humanitarian crises around the globe. We have seen firsthand the power that lies within local communities to respond and act in times of crisis, and we are dedicated to advocating for that. Our board and team work on a voluntary basis, ensuring that the maximum amount of funding reaches those who need it most.

We are registered as a non-profit organization and we are in the process of obtaining our 501 c status.

Message from the Founder

Razan Abd El Haque [abd.el.hak] عبد الحق

As an entrepreneur, running a successful business is just one part of my legacy. For over a decade, I've dreamed of starting Proximity2Humanity to make a meaningful impact on the world beyond my business. Traditional philanthropy is a timeless path, but many entrepreneurs, like myself, aspire to create a more tangible, lasting impact by fostering systemic change—mirroring the transformations we've achieved in the business world. I am native to Jordan, currently living in the United States.

I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that individuals who possess privilege have a moral responsibility to support those who are less fortunate. The circumstances of our birth, which largely determine our life's trajectory, are indeed a result of sheer luck. Recognizing this fundamental aspect of our existence should propel us to take action in alleviating the hardships faced by others who were not as fortunate in the lottery of life. By leveraging our privilege to uplift those in need, we contribute to creating a more equitable and compassionate world for all.